A Look Inside


What goes into making a Jacks & Co product? More than you might think!

We go through many different processes as we create a new item, from initial design, to finding the right fabrication, and tailoring the perfect fit and finishing details.

This is an iterative process, which involves much redesigning, resampling, some frustrations… but many triumphs! The most important element throughout is that we never stray from our ethos: to only ever release products that we’ve tried and tested, which are perfected down to the last stitch of the button, and which we would love to wear ourselves.


It starts with design. We draw inspiration from the classic styles of menswear - from the enduring worker’s chore jacket, worn for centuries, to the timeless oxford shirt, versatile enough for work and play. Then, we build in our own unique touches, from the shape of the body to the artwork of our labelling. This takes weeks, not hours - designing, redesigning, adding, removing - to land the perfect initial idea.


The most important feature of an item is the fabric. Our first step is to browse through our extensive library of fabric swatches, which we’ve procured over many days, over many years, trawling through international fabric fairs. From here, we work with our favourite mills, those we’ve built relationships with in Italy, Japan, and elsewhere across the world, to find a style that matches what we have in mind. One with the right weave, weight, and hand feel. And with some tweaks, we’re onto production.


The final, but perhaps most important step, is finishing the product. This means refining the fit and perfecting the details. The number one reason a piece of clothing becomes your favourite - the one you go to first when you reach into the closet - is because it fits like a glove. That’s why we spend so much time on fit and finishing, re-working and re-sampling until we know we’ve got it right. Until we’re sure we’ve got a piece that’ll make you feel comfortable and look great!

This whole process takes us anywhere from four months to two years. We’re not chained to a rinse, repeat, seasonal process like standard brands who’s only focus is fast fashion. Most important is our principles - if something takes time, that’s okay with us!
